The Day's Recap:
7:30---This morning before heading to school, I heated up a muffin that I had frozen in an individual bag in the freezer. These are homemade wheat muffins with almonds and jam, and taste amazing when they're all warm and moist. Yum...I had it with 1/2 of a cup of milk.
11:00---I made myself a good ol' pb&J and banana sandwich which is one of my favorites. :) I could eat it every day if I didn't believe so much in the importance of variety. Hehe...:)
12:00---I munched on a pear during chem class. It was tasty, but a bit loud. haha...I forgot to chop it up before leaving, so I ate it like that. Next time I'll be sure to remember this...or eat it outside the classroom. ;)
1:30---I had a box of vanilla soymilk to make economics discussion bearable. haha...
4:30---Okay, this is where things get kind of off. I packed along a broccoli salad (1.5 cups broccoli, 2 T. balsamic vinaigrette dressing, 1 cup grapes, 1 handful of walnuts), a Pumpkin Spice Flax granola bar, and a container of milk as a "light supper," and was intending to grab something to eat from the cafetaria or library where I was studying later on (since supper was pretty early!). Studying for the exam left me with no appetite though, so I left it with this as my "supper." Considering the fact I need to study for chem now though, I'm definitely going to need a snack to keep me going!
Mid-Morning Snack: Muffin and 1/2 cup of milk
Now? In search of a snack and drinking licorice mint tea...:)
Could you post the recipe for the muffins? They sound great!
I second the muffin recipe..after your mid term tho cause Im sure youll be crazy busy studying. Good luck, Im sure youll do fine!
mmmm thanks again for all of your hard work posting your whole schedule after such a busy and long day...looks like a great day of meals!!! one more day, great job!
Hey guys! I just added the muffins into the recipes section! :)
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