BUT, today it redeemed itself. :) I put 1/2 cup of vanilla hemp in the microwave, and stirred it occasionally, until it got nice and hot. I then added it to 1/2 cup of the Ezekiel Golden Flax cereal that I've been hearing rave reviews about. :) I added a whole banana on top, and stirred it all up, and...wow! It was really tasty and satisfying. It didn't get all soggy like I was sort of expecting it to, and still had a bit of a nutty bite to it. Delicious...
Next time I'm doubling the serving, because as you can see, there's more then enough bananas to account for the cereal. haha...
I like drinking milk most of all, but the vanilla hemp added a nice subtle flavor (not an overpowering and gross vanilla!) for a little change of taste, and I really enjoyed it. I have a new favorite cereal combination on my list...
I think I owe Jenna a thanks. :)
I'm off to get ready for the day. There's a lot of material to cover before heading into this last week of exams, so I better hop to it. Once Friday comes (no I'm not rushing the week...just thinking way ahead! ;) my busy school week will be at a close, and I'll have some breathing room. For now I need to stay focused!
Looks like a gorgeous day outside! :)
yum! I want to try the ezeikiel cereals! is it just as good cold as hot? Or do you suggest heating it? And you said it does or does not get mushy and oatmeal texture like? Looks delish!
thank GOODNESS you have hempmilk another chance - I'm obsessed with it, so it's always exciting to read about others enjoying it as well :0)
The ezekiel cereals ARE quite delicious - yum!
emma---I've never actually tried the ezekiel cereals cold, but I think that would be good, especially if you let it sit in the milk for a while to soften it up (think of it kind of like a grape nuts cereal!) But having it hot is super delicious, and faster then stovetop oatmeal for busy mornings. :)
It gets slightly mushy, but still keeps a little bit of a "nuttiness" to it...I think that's from the flax! It's really tasty, and I'm sure you'll love it. :) I liked adding the vanilla flavored hemp milk, but vanilla flavored milk would be good too. Or you could try adding some regular milk and brown sugar to sweeten it a bit. :)
Let me know how you like it when you try it out! :)
veggiegirl---I'm glad I gave it another chance too! :) I think I'm addicted. haha...and yes, the ezekiel cereals are great! I can't believe how full they keep me. :)
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