Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hi Everyone! :) I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be stepping away from the blog for a while, in an attempt to A) focus more on chemistry! B) find a volunteer job to build future resumes and have some fun while I'm at it :) and C) just to enjoy stepping away from the camera for a while.

BUT, I'll definitely still be visiting all of your great food blogs because they're always giving me new and yummy ideas and tips to try. :D

Sorry about this, and thanks so much for leaving all the kind comments you guys have left over the past months! I've really appreciated it and had fun talking food with everyone. :)

Thanks again!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

While I completely understand and support your decision, I am still quite saddened that you won't blogging very much, anymore - know that you will be missed!! Hope to "see" you again soon, Sarah!! Best of luck with everything, and keep eating delicious meals!! :0)

Sarah said...

Thanks veggiegirl! :) I'll definitely still be a frequent reader and will probably still be posting the occasional meal, especially since I just bought veganomicon which is opening up a whole new exciting culinary experience. :)

Anonymous said...

:( So sad... but totally understandable. I can only imagine how tough it can be to keep up with a food blog everyday, and at three separate times! wow, i knew i couldn't do it. anyway i just wanted to wish you the best of luck with everything! please let us readers know if you'll be re-starting at any time in the future :)