For lunch I ate the leftovers from last night's supper, 1/2 a large sweet potato with ketchup, and a glass of milk. In case you couldn' tell, the ketchup "design" was a feeble attempt at spelling my name, but I only made it half way across. haha...
Have a great Thursday everyone! :)
(p.s. Just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be posting every meal/snack, so don't freak out if it seems I'm eating too little! I kind of decided not to make it a constant "this is what I eat" blog, even though I love reading everyone elses. I'll skip around from meals to meals, and post favorites and flops, snack ideas I've tried, dining out, meals on the run, breakfast-to-go, transportable "college meals," and other things like that....:)
that sounds great! I'm just glad you're somewhat back because this is such a pleasant blog, I love reading it!!
the carrot cakes rock!
You should try Nature's Path Brownie Mix (using applesauce instead of oil) for your brownie fix - much tastier and healthier than no pudge which has cholesterol from yogurt & eggs.
Before I was a vegan i ate no pudge, but NP's is sooo good and so much better! (just as moist!)
thanks for reading my blog!
Thanks courtney!! :)
Thanks for the brownie suggestions, happy herbivore! :) I'm trying those out next time...anything chocolatey has my name written on it. :D
Mmm, those leftovers look divine!
Oh and have a wonderful time dining out tonight; and a wonderful Thursday!
Hooray for continuing to post!! :0D
=) I can completely agree with not being able to post everything. I had someone accuse me a few days ago of eating practically nothing because it was assumed that I literally posted everything I ate... ha!
I love your little ketchup design, it caught my eye immeiately!
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