Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day's Recap

Whew...what a crazy day! I feel as if it kind of flew by, without me even realizing it. The good news is that the bulgar breakfast held me over really well! :) I had a bag of carrots to-go as I drove my way to classes, and drank a ton of water along with it. I'm finding out the right amount of water that helps me feel hydrated and energetic all day long...:)

So, here's the day's recap, aside from supper which I'm getting ready right now...:)

11:15---Lunch was a bit quirky, in that I wanted to finish off this week's pita pockets rather then opening up a new loaf of bread from the freezer. I wasn't sure how I'd end up liking pb&j and a banana on a pita, but it was actually really good! I like how the pockets kept it all contained, and I could stuff it with a whole banana. I also decided to up the amount of peanut butter I typically use from 1 T. to 2 T., and I found that it held me over so much better. Not to mention the flavor boost...:D
1:30---The pears in the picture look a bit off-colored, but that's as "bad" as they get when I cut them up the night before and pack them to-go. Not too shabby for a nice portable snack. :D Next time I'll cut them even smaller, because I ended up adding them to my bowl of plain, low-fat yogurt that I also packed along. Simply delicious. :)
4:30---I'm currently snacking on about 7 kashi crackers to keep my tastebuds happy while preparing supper. I really don't feel too hungry, which means my breakfast, lunch, and snack combinations have been a success today. hehe...:) Hope you all have had a great day so far! :)
**Edited to Add:
6:00pm---Supper! :)

LUNCH: Pb&J and a banana on a whole wheat pita pocket...its a keeper combination! :)

Lunch and Snacks, all combined in one picture...carrots in morning, pb&j for lunch, yogurt and pear for snack. :)

The snack I'm currently munching on...7 kashi crackers to keep me happy while prepping supper. :)

**Edited to Add Supper! :)

Supper was absolutely delicious. I love a meal like this, because it just seems so well balanced with proteins, carbs, fiber...and flavors! :) The salmon was cooked with the quick and easy method of just salt, pepper, and onions on top. On the side I had brown rice (a bit longer to make, but not bad if I start it right when I walk in the door,) mixed frozen veggies, and some sauteed mixed veggies (last of the celery, zucchini, carrots, and onions.)

All in all, a wonderful and tasty day, and I feel full and satisfied. :)


Anonymous said...

A pita pocket! That's genius. =) It's great the banana could be whole, that's so much more fun.

Anonymous said...

ooh--my all time favorit sandwich is actually pear and peanut butter in a pita. just try it.....SOOOOOOOO good. and great use of alliteration, too! =)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

I love reading your daily re-caps - they're always filled with delicious food!! :0D hope that you can relax after such a busy day - you deserve it!

oooh, your dinner plate is so colorful!

Anonymous said...

me too, the recaps are the best! your dinner meal looks great-relax, enjoy the night :)